Your go-to resource on how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

MythBusters: Nutrition Edition messages plate it out Mar 20, 2012

This post has been sitting in my draft box since late February.  I was supposed to cover this topic on my Health & Fitness segment on NBC KARE 11 on March 2nd, but it got bumped out to the 19th, and then the video link got messed up on their website.  I apologize there is no video...

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This Dumpster is Finger Lickin’ Good! messages Mar 05, 2012

Think of this the next time you order french fries or anything deep fried, because this is what it was cooked in:

We were leaving an indoor rock climbing facility this weekend and saw this grease recycling dumpster in the alley full of used cooking oil.  I love that it's being recycled and...

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Less Fat, Less Stress: Who Wants In? messages plate it out Feb 19, 2012

When it comes to calorie intake, the message often revolves around total taken in - as long as you consume fewer calories than you burn, you will reduce body fat.  Unfortunately, calories in/calories out is not all there is to the equation as timing plays a critical role in body fat and...

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Sandbag Workout messages play it out Feb 07, 2012

Did you know that resistance training helps with your resilience?  More muscle mass allows insulin to do it's job better, so your blood glucose levels are better regulated.  Big swings in blood glucose increase stress on your body.

Here's a way to do full body resistance training using...

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Resiliency Challenge: The Big Turn Off messages Jan 22, 2012

There's something many of us do on a daily basis that can take 22 minutes off our lives for each hour we do it: the sedentary act of watching TV.  Your challenge this week is to minimize your television watching. In the process you'll also be minimizing your exposure to junk food marketing...

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